Broken Arrow Podiatrist | Restoration Foot & Ankle, PLLC in Broken Arrow, OK --> Restoration Foot and Ankle Navigation

Restoration Foot & Ankle Service Fees

The cost of providing and receiving medical treatments has grown drastically over the past 20 years. Many changes have occurred that impact this trend in many areas including health insurance plans, compliance requirements, equipment costs, and staff. An average physician office has expenses that are equal to 60-70% of their collections ( October 17, 2023). We desire to provide high quality and affordable foot & ankle care despite this environment.

Oklahoma HB 1006 requires that we post the costs of our services. This information is provided below. Please know that charges may vary based on insurance contracts or if uninsured cash pay accounts are paid in full at the time of service (discounts may apply). Also, we do a have process to provide markedly discounted charges if there is unique documented financial hardship (inquire about this at our front desk). The charges below represent our standard charge for 20 of our commonly billed services in 2024.

99202 New patient exam or 3+ years since last seen (Level 2) $135
99203 New patient exam or 3+ years since last seen (Level 3) $210
99204 New patient exam or 3+ years since last seen (Level 4 - complex) $310
99213 Established patient (Level 3) $170
99214 Established patient (Level 4 - complex) $240
99222 Initial Inpatient Care $245
99223 Initial Inpatient Care (complex) $325
99232 Subsequent hospital care $150
99233 Subsequent hospital care (complex) $225
73610 X-ray - Ankle $70
73630 X-ray - Foot $65
76882 Ultrasound - Focused $115
11042 Deep wound debridement $235
97597 Superficial wound debridement $185
11721 Nail debridement $85
11730 Nail removal without matrixectomy $210
11750 Nail removal with matrixectomy $295
20550 Plantar fasciitis injection $110
20600 Small joint injection $100
20605 Intermediate joint injection $105

Total costs for hospital foot & ankle surgery are difficult to precisely estimate for several reasons. The surgical fee (what we bill) is often the smallest portion of the overall surgery charge and the rest of the fees are billed by the hospital and their anesthesiology group. Although we will tell you what we bill for our surgical procedures performed and provide a written estimate, the costs after final insurance coverage along with fees billed by the hospital and anesthesiologists cannot be quoted by our office. We are happy to connect you with the accounting office of the hospital that is hosting your surgery. These offices will be able to give an estimate of their fees. Our patient accounts manager will gladly help you with any questions you have.

Broken Arrow Podiatrist | Restoration Foot & Ankle, PLLC in Broken Arrow, OK